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  • E-Services

    One of the key elements of the EGAP Program is the introduction of convenient, fast and transparent government e-services for both individuals and business.

    As a result of this effort, Ukrainians are gaining access to quality administrative services online, government agencies are streamlining their processes and saving time, while society as a whole is seeing corruption risks go down and more efficient and accountable public administration.

    Moving public services online is typically accompanied by improvements to the legislative and regulatory framework, streamlined business processes within organizations, and the development of programs in basic digital literacy and online security for civil servants and local government employees. This process is also supported by public awareness campaigns to popularize e-services among the public.

    During the first phase of the EGAP Program, 2015-2019, nearly half a million Ukrainians used online versions of these public services: 

    • registering as an FOP or individual entrepreneur; 
    • registering a TOV or limited liability company; 
    • registering a HO or community organization;
    • applying for maternity benefits; 
    • applying for housing subsidies;
    • applying for confirmation of a clean police record; 
    • registering in an electronic queue to apply for biometric documents; 
    • checking the validity of documents

    We have also become involved in developing a single design system for all government sites in Ukraine and design.gov.ua, along with such key initiatives as developing a Government portal at kmu.gov.ua, a portal for vacancies in the civil service at career.gov.ua, and the “Affordable medications” portal at liky.gov.ua.

    In terms of formulating national policy, we were involved in drafting the Concept for Developing e-Government in Ukraine. We also promoted instituting practices based on the principle, Digital by Default, which identifies electronic as the priority means for carrying out all processes in Government documents. This has been affirmed in a related Cabinet Resolution.

    With the start of the second phase, 2019-2023, the EGAP Program has continued to engage in activities related to Ukraine’s top priority digitalization spheres, initiatives and projects.

    First among these was implementing the Digital Government initiative, which has resulted in an online portal of government services called Diia or Action. This portal brings together all services that the government provides to individuals and businesses. The Diia national brand, meaning “Government and Me,” was also developed with the support of the EGAP Program.

    What’s special about the Diia platform is its completely client-oriented e-services that are fully automated—meaning they are provided without the intermediation of a government employee—, and grouped according to life and business situations.

    The first innovative e-service set up for life situations was eBaby. This service allows parents to access 10 government services connected with the birth of a child—all with a single online application. The service can be accessed both in the maternity ward and online.