Digitizing services means saving time for both individuals and businesses, greater access and convenience — and the elimination of corruption in the process. The goal of this project is to make all administrative services transparent and accessible to every Ukrainian.
Digitalization makes it possible to equalize access for urban and rural residents, not only to administrative services but also to other key areas: education, safety, participatory government and budgets, and information about government spending. Every voter can influence the allocation of taxpayer money.
Digitalizing the oblasts means systematic efforts to plan strategic digitalization in a participatory fashion and to implement it together with the community, according to jointly established priorities. The goal of the EGAP Program is to improve the quality and accessibility of government services and to reach a new level of interaction between governments and their communities.
It’s in the oblasts that the effectiveness of the transformed system of government services will demonstrate the success of this large-scale initiative to institute e-government in Ukraine.
During the first phase of the EGAP Program, 2015-2019, we undertook a number of steps together with oblast state administrations (ODAs), local government agencies and community organizations;
- putting together oblast digitalization programs;
- automating CNAPs and established interconnectivity with oblast service portals;
- training local CNAP staff in stress management, customer orientation, and administrative skills;
- launching the Mobile CNAP project, which simplified the delivery of administrative services to individuals who cannot personally visit a center;
- developing the ATC Website Designer service platforms and the GeoInformation System (GIS), which have become useful working tools for newly established ATCs;
For the second phase of the EGAP Program, 2019-2023, we have involved 40 competitively selected communities in five target oblasts. Working together with them, we are putting together digital success stories that are expected to attract even more oblasts to the digitalization process.