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  • Diia.Digital education

    Together with the Ministry of Digital Transformation, we participated in developing and launching the National Online Digital Literacy Platform called Diia.Digital Education. The purpose of this project is to teach digital competence to at least six million Ukrainians by 2023.

    Our key target groups are:

    • older individuals who have no digital competence, which is why the first basic courses were developed for this group, along with a guest course in mobile literacy;
    • parents and kids, with a focus on online safety;
    • adults with basic digital competence that, once expanded through specialized and in-depth courses, will allow them to remain competitive on the labor market or to master new professions;
    • young people, both pupils and students, and young professionals, for whom courses in new digital careers are provided.

    An innovative form of educational “serials” has been chosen for the learning process: instead of lessons, series, and instead of grades, seasons. The project has invited both expert instructors and Ukrainian celebrities whom people are used to seeing on TV and who will entertain, keep the dialog moving, tell jokes and improvise.

    On the Diia.Digital Education platform, anyone who is interested can find, among others, such educational serials as:

    All educational serials are free of charge. New specialized and niche courses for business professionals, lifestyle courses, and courses in new digital careers will be available through the online platform nearly every month. At the end of every course, participants can take a final test and get a certificate confirming that they have passed successfully.

    As of 1 January 2021, the Diia.Digital Education platform has seen 400,000 users take its courses.