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    Having a child is an important event in your life that requires planning and involves additional expenses. The Government of Ukraine provides maternity benefits to the parent or guardian with whom the child resides on a permanent basis.

    A streamlined way to receive this service is now available online, thanks to the EGAP Program.

    The parents of a newborn very often have little time to even sleep, let alone to waiting in line. It’s precisely for them that we reduced the process of getting maternity benefits to a few clicks on a screen.

    What you need to do

    1. Register or log into your online office for e-services from the Ministry of Social Policy.
    2. Fill out the online application for services and sign it with your digital signature.
    3. Your completed application will automatically go to a social services agency.
    4. Provided you have filled out the application properly, the social agency will determine the benefit you should receive. If you apply online with a digital signature, this response should arrive no later than the following day. If you apply by e-mail, it will take maximum 15 working days.

    The maternity benefit is UAH 41,280, which is issued as follows: a one-time payment of UAH 10,320, followed by UAH 860 a month for the next 36 months.

    This service is already available on the Diia Portal, the one-stop-shop for individuals and businesses to communicate with government agencies.

    Video of the “E-services” component Coordinator Oleksii Zelivianskyi about online maternity benefit.

    The social program called “Municipal Nanny” has operated in Ukraine since January 1, 2019. Through it, the Government partly reimburses parents for the cost of paying a nanny to mind their children up to the age of three. This is a great bonus for parents and an opportunity for nannies to work officially at a job that will give them credit towards their pensions. The EGAP Program has promoted online access to this program.

    The Municipal Nanny can be an individual registered as a physical entity-entrepreneur (FOP) or a legal entity who provides childcare services, with whom a contract or agreement is signed for the provision of such services for children up to the age of three. Parents or guardians of children under three have the right to apply to the Municipal Nanny program provided that they have signed such an official contract with a nanny. What’s more, the reimbursement money does not affect the payment of maternity leave, leave for the purpose of taking care of a child, or any other social benefits or subsidies received by the family.

    What you need to do

    1. Register or log in at this link.
    2. Fill out two applications: one to get reimbursed for the Municipal Nanny service and one to have the reimbursement transferred to you.
    3. Make sure your application includes:
    • a scan of the service contract between the recipient and the nanny;
    • a scan confirming payment to the nanny: a receipt, a bank transfer receipt, or a bank statement;
    • a scan of the child’s birth certificate;
    • for foreigners or stateless persons, a scan of the document confirming their legal residence in Ukraine.

    4. Attach your digital signature to the applications and submit them.

    The amount of the reimbursement is based only on the subsistence minimum for children under the age of six.

    This service is already available on the Diia Portal, the one-stop-shop for individuals and businesses to communicate with government agencies.

    Registering a community organization or HO is one of the first e-services exclusively for the civil society sector developed by the EGAP Program in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice and the State Agency for E-Governance — now the Ministry of Digital Transformation. This service allows users to submit documents and receive responses about the registration of their community organization online.

    Community organizations are an integral part of civil society. They allow individuals to have active input into the workings of the state, and to make community life more effective, organized and dynamic.

    Since June 2019, it’s been possible to register a community organization online, regardless of where its founders are.

    What you need to do

    1. Log in to your personal account in the Online Palace of Justice.
    2. Fill in an application, attaching to it all the necessary supporting documents in PDF format.
    3. Sign the documents using your digital signature.
    4. Your document will be received by the state registrar to make the necessary decision within three working days.

    Having more than one founder is not a problem. Today, each of them can sign documents remotely. The applicant provides co-founders of the organization access to the documents that are being submitted via a link. Once all the co-founders have signed them, the documents are automatically sent to the state registrar.

    Submitting the application and the required set of documents take no more than 30 minutes. This and dozens of other services are accessible on the Government Portal and the Diia platform, your one-stop-shop for individual or business communication with the government.

    Video of the “E-services” component Coordinator Oleksii Zelivianskyi about online registration a community organization (HO).

    Many risks can be avoided by spending a few minutes to check information. Checking the validity of documents online allows you to instantly verify whether a Ukrainian passport or other ID is in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and State Migration Service databases.

    Checking the database for invalid documents not only helps avoid being swindled by individuals with false passports, but it is also useful for employers, individuals and organizations who want to entrust their property or valuables to others.

    This service is especially useful because of the large number of old-style passport books that are easy to counterfeit. The complete switch from old documents to secured biometric IDs and passports is likely to take a few more years.

    You can check this database for:

    • Ukrainian domestic passports
    • Ukrainian international passports
    • Temporary Ukrainian citizenship card
    • Stateless person international travel document
    • Refugee status card
    • Travel document for children and others.

    What you need to do

    1. Go to the Government Portal to the E-Services page, choose the category Citizenship and migration, Passport documents, Checking invalid documents.
    2. Indicate the type of document (passport, ID, travel, etc), the series and number.
    3. Get the result immediately.

    This service is updated daily and contains information about nearly one million invalid, stolen or lost documents.

    This and dozens of other services are accessible on the Government Portal and the Diia platform, your one-stop-shop for individual or business communication with the government.

    Video of the “E-services” component Coordinator Oleksii Zelivianskyi about passport verification online.

    In 2019, more than 4 million Ukrainian households were given subsidies. In 2018, the number was 6.8 million. The EGAP Program, together with the Ministry of Social Policy and the State Agency for E-Governance — now the Ministry of Digital Transformation —, has made this service available online.

    Information about the calculation of subsidies is one of the three most popular online requests among Ukrainians. Every household has the right to a subsidy if the cost of utilities and residential services is higher on average than 15% of its total monthly income.

    Since October 2015, it’s been possible to apply for a subsidy online, 24/7, without having to interact with bureaucrats, or stand in queues, or go from office to office.

    What you need to do

    1. Go to the Government Portal to the E-Services page, choose the category Assistance and reductions, Applying for housing subsidies.
    2. Log in with your digital signature, MobileID or BankID to apply online. You can find instructions for using a digital signature here. You can send in your application for a preliminary review by e-mail and later go to the social services agency for a personal interview and to sign paper documents.
    3. Fill in the online form and get your results by e-mail.

    Since this service became available, more than 320,000 Ukrainians have used it.

    This and dozens of other services are accessible on the Government Portal and the Diia platform, your one-stop-shop for individual or business communication with the government.

    Video of the “E-services” component Coordinator Oleksii Zelivianskyi about online tools for e-signature.

    A certificate of no criminal record is one of the most commonly needed documents for employment, travel and doing business. It can be applied for online since 2017, thanks to the EGAP Program.

    Every year, more than 800,000 Ukrainians apply for a certificate of no criminal record at Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) service centers. This document can be used at work, to get a visa, to participate in tenders, to adopt a child or establish guardianship, to become a citizen, to get a license, or to apply for other documents.

    Together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Agency for E-Governance—now the Ministry of Digital Transformation—, we simplified the application for such a document from several hours waiting in lines to a few clicks on a screen.

    What you need to do

    1. Go to the Government Portal to the E-Services page or use the Diia
    2. Log in with your digital signature and fill in a simple application.
    3. Get your certificate via e-mail or in your personal account at Diia. You can pick up a hard copy original at any MIA service center, regardless of your registered domicile.

    Since September 2017, our service has made life easier for more than 40,000 Ukrainians. This and dozens of other services are accessible on the Government Portal and the Diia platform, your one-stop-shop for individual or business communication with the government.

    Video of the “E-services” component Coordinator Oleksii Zelivianskyi about online certificate of no criminal record.

    A key element in the digitalization of the oblasts is automating the Administrative Services Centers or CNAPs. These centers are becoming the face of digital transformation, ensuring quality and speed in the provision of administrative services without red tape, queues or wasted time.

    Most Ukrainians turn to the government for administrative services at least once a year. Registering domicile, registering ownership of real estate, getting a license to engage in commercial activities—all these kinds of services are now quickly provided in a “one-stop-shop” fashion. At the CNAPs, individuals can get the best service in the shortest time with the least number of personal visits.

    During the first phase of EGAP, we instituted these services at the CNAPs:

    • electronic tracking of applications, which means registering all applicants electronically, automatically controlling deadlines, and notifying applicants when their documents are ready;
    • a electronic queuing system at the entrance to the CNAP, making it possible to plan a visit online;
    • mobile suitcases;
    • data terminals for disabled individuals;
    • oblast service portals.

    The digital transformation of the oblasts is one of our priority objectives. During its first phase, 2015-2019, the EGAP Program worked with oblast state administrations (ODAs), local government agencies, and civil society organizations (CSOs) to develop and carry out regional informatization programs.

    The Regional Informatization Program is a document that is drawn up and approved in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On local government in Ukraine”, guided by the Laws “On the National Informatization Program” and “On targeted government programs”.

    All measures directed at developing the information space in the oblasts, such as by instituting electronic document flow or introducing new and supporting existing information systems, are, in fact, informatization measures. They are supposed to be reflected in related programs at the proper level.

    This document also regulates the financing of informatization in the oblast. The program includes a concept, objectives for three years, tasks for the upcoming budget year, and the program’s technical specs. Its purpose is to ensure public access to digital services by instituting innovative approaches, instruments and technologies for e-governance and e-democracy.

    Administrative Services Centers or TsNAPs have become the face of digital transformation in the oblasts, ensuring Ukrainians service without red tape, queues and wasted time. Launched by the EGAP Program in coordination with local government agencies and oblast state administrations, regional service portals have been playing a major role in this process.

    Regional service portals are typically integrated with the software of the TsNAP system in the oblast. This primarily means the TsNAP catalog and information about the services that are accessible through them.

    The portals also provide information about the kinds of documents necessary to get specific administrative services, where and how these can be had, regulations governing the provision of specific services, the address of local centers, their working hours and their web address.

    These portals handle the electronic document flow and automated exchange of data between the TsNAPs and those seeking administrative services.

    In addition, you can track the progress of an application or request a place in a queue through these portals.

    Regional portal of administrative and public services in Vinnytsia

    Volyn e-services portal